Scaffolding Safety & Government Regulations

We take yours and our own safety very seriously to the end. We have a full training program and retain a safety advisor to keep us up to date with all relevant legislations.

Employing qualified people to erect your scaffolding and carry out building work should help to make sure your building site is a safe place. However, you should discuss safety issues with the person or company you employ.

We follow a set of rules when it comes to our scaffolds, they are as follows:

Only properly trained and competent scaffold contractors can be used to set up scaffold towers and structures

If the scaffold will be put up in a public place, the company should schedule all work to be carried out during quieter times, when the risk to passers-by will be lower.

  • Once established, all scaffolding should be thoroughly inspected before it is used. After this, it should be inspected at least every 7 days, and after any alterations to the structure or extreme weather conditions
  • Scaffolding should be erected on a firm, level foundation
  • It is dangerous to erect scaffolding too near power lines
  • Boards used should be British Standard BS2482 as this is the UK Safety standard
  • Avoid building waste falling on passers-by by keeping scaffold boards clear

These rules allow us to perform every job in the safest possible manner for both our trained staff and the general public

We comply with all scaffolding regulations, please visit for more information, or contact your local council if you have any questions.

We can design and build any type of traditional scaffolding to overcome any access requirement from a small tower to the more complex and intricate works.    We can offer weekends/ nights by arrangement if the project calls for this

The small team we have has been with us for many years and we have a pool of reliable teams that we can call on should we need to put a rush on things